Embracing Us steamy reverse romance ebook

Embracing Us steamy reverse romance ebook

Review of “Embracing Us” by Saffron Blu


“Embracing Us” is a steamy reverse romance novel written by Saffron Blu. The novel is set in a small town in California and follows the story of a successful and confident businesswoman, Jo, and a reserved and introverted artist, Gabriel. The two characters are thrown together in a small art studio, and their chemistry is undeniable from the very beginning. This review will delve into the details of the book, including the plot, characters, writing style, and overall impression.


The plot of “Embracing Us” is a classic slow-burn romance, with Jo and Gabriel gradually developing a relationship over the course of the story. There is some drama and tension, including a jealous ex-boyfriend and some misunderstandings between the main characters. However, the focus of the novel is on Jo and Gabriel’s growing connection, and the challenges they must overcome to be together.


The two main characters in “Embracing Us” are Jo and Gabriel. Jo is a confident and successful businesswoman, who is used to getting what she wants. She is also caring and empathetic, with a big heart underneath her tough exterior. Gabriel, on the other hand, is more reserved and introverted, and is struggling to find his place in the world as an artist. He is sweet and sensitive, and has a deep capacity for love and compassion.

The supporting characters in the novel are also well-developed and add depth to the story. Jo’s best friend, Maya, is a fierce and loyal friend, who provides support and advice to Jo throughout the novel. Gabriel’s sister, Anna, is kind and supportive, and provides a different perspective on Gabriel’s life and struggles.

Writing Style

Saffron Blu’s writing style is engaging and descriptive, with vivid descriptions of the characters and settings. The dialogue between the characters is natural and flows well, with each character having their own unique voice. The pacing of the novel is also well-done, with a good balance between slower, introspective moments, and more action-packed scenes.

Overall Impression

Overall, “Embracing Us” is a well-written and engaging romance novel. The slow-burn romance between Jo and Gabriel is captivating, and the supporting characters add depth and complexity to the story. The writing style is engaging and descriptive, with good pacing and natural dialogue. If you are a fan of steamy romance novels with compelling characters and a beautiful setting, then “Embracing Us” is definitely worth a read.


In conclusion, “Embracing Us” is a steamy reverse romance novel with a well-crafted plot, engaging characters, and beautiful writing. Saffron Blu’s careful attention to detail and vivid descriptions make this novel a joy to read, and the slow-burn romance between Jo and Gabriel is both captivating and heartwarming. If you are looking for a steamy romance novel with depth and complexity, then “Embracing Us” should definitely be on your reading list.

Embracing Us steamy reverse romance ebook
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Author: r1vr