Nintendo Labo Toy 04 Kit Switch

Nintendo Labo Toy 04 Kit Switch

Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 04 VR Kit for Switch: A Complete Review

Are you looking for a unique and innovative gaming experience that offers something different from the usual screen-based games? The Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 04 VR Kit for Switch offers an exciting and immersive way to play games with the added bonus of hands-on building and tinkering. In this review, we will explore all aspects of the kit, from the building process to the gameplay and everything in between.

The Building Process

The Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 04 VR Kit for Switch comes with everything you need to build six different Toy-Con projects, including a VR headset, a blaster, a camera, a bird, a wind pedal, and an elephant. Each project comes with illustrated step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow, even for kids. The building process is fun and rewarding, and each project takes between one and three hours to complete.

One of the best things about the building process is that it encourages creativity and experimentation. While the instructions are clear and easy to follow, there is a lot of room for customization and personalization. You can use stickers, markers, and even paint to decorate the Toy-Con projects and make them your own.

The Gameplay

Once you have built the Toy-Con projects, it’s time to start playing games. The Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 04 VR Kit for Switch comes with a variety of games that are designed to showcase the unique capabilities of each Toy-Con project.

The VR headset is the star of the show, and it offers an immersive and engaging experience. The headset is made of cardboard, but it is surprisingly sturdy and comfortable to wear. The VR games are simple but enjoyable, and they make great use of the motion controls and the 3D audio.

The blaster is another highlight of the kit, and it offers a fun and challenging shooting experience. The blaster is also surprisingly accurate and responsive, and it’s easy to get immersed in the game.

The camera, the bird, the wind pedal, and the elephant are all fun to play with, but they are not as impressive as the VR headset and the blaster. They are still worth building and playing with, though, especially if you have younger kids who will appreciate their simplicity and charm.

The Pros and Cons

Like any product, the Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 04 VR Kit for Switch has its pros and cons. Here are the main ones:

– The building process is fun and educational, and it encourages creativity and experimentation.
– The VR headset is surprisingly sturdy and comfortable to wear, and it offers an immersive and engaging experience.
– The blaster is accurate and responsive, and it offers a fun and challenging shooting experience.
– The kit comes with a variety of games that showcase the unique capabilities of each Toy-Con project.
– The price is reasonable, especially considering the amount of content and the replay value.

– The Toy-Con projects are made of cardboard, which means they might not hold up well to heavy use and rough handling.
– The games are simple and not very deep, which means they might not appeal to hardcore gamers who are looking for a more complex and challenging experience.
– The kit requires a lot of storage space, especially if you want to keep all the Toy-Con projects assembled.
– The VR headset can be uncomfortable for people with glasses, and it might not fit well on larger heads.


Overall, the Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 04 VR Kit for Switch is a unique and innovative gaming experience that offers something different from the usual screen-based games. The building process is fun and educational, and the gameplay is enjoyable and immersive. While the kit has its pros and cons, it’s definitely worth considering if you’re looking for a fun and creative way to play games.

Nintendo Labo Toy 04 Kit Switch
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Author: r1vr